What is CCCS?
Cork Community Chaplaincy Services (CCCS) provides support to the client-facing volunteers in organisations that service clients who have experienced some form of trauma. The helping organisations that we support include both secular community organisations and faith-based ministries.
Our goal is to help volunteers become more emotionally resilient for themselves and more effective for their clients and sponsoring organisations.
We operate on a non-denominational, inter-faith, inclusive community chaplaincy model that is non-proselitising and adaptable to both secular and faith-based organisations and volunteers.
To ensure that volunteers engaged in helping others are equipped with the coping tools and support to deal with the inherent stressors they encounter when they provide client-facing support to those in need. These volunteers may be working in community social service programs, faith-based ministries, or as individuals in one-one contexts.
By anticipating and preparing for the inherent emotional stress risks associated with working with the disadvantaged, we can obtain a healthier, happier, and more productive experience for the client-facing volunteers in our community.
The mission of CCCS is to provide training and coaching to volunteers and to the agencies/ministries that sponsor them by offering training, research, and one-to-one community chaplaincy.